On 22 February the Government set out its roadmap that will hopefully – if all goes to plan – lead to all Covid restrictions being lifted in England by 21 June.
The plan has a number of steps:
- 8 March: all children back to school
- 29 March: six people (or two households) allowed to meet outdoors
- 12 April: non-essential retail opens; indoor leisure and hospitality venues outdoors
- 17 May: most social contact rules lifted outdoors; six people (or two households) can meet indoors; indoor hospitality opens
- 21 June: all legal limits on social contact removed
We’re sure you’ve seen them already, but here’s the roadmap in full.
We’ll be open at every step of the roadmap
Like we have been since the pandemic first reared its ugly head, we’ll be OPEN and here for you at every step of the roadmap at our practices in Grantham and Nottingham.
As an essential service, we’re OPEN for hearing care and wax removal services.
All our hearing healthcare professionals have had their first Covid vaccinations and will be fully protected soon. And we have PPE and infection control measures in place to keep everyone safe.
You can call us to find out more or to book an appointment:
NOTTINGHAM – ☎️ 01159 618351
GRANTHAM – ☎️ 01476 249319
And you can find out how we’re keeping everyone safe at our clinics.