Correct Hearing Terms and Conditions
1. Supply and Warranty We sell the hearing instruments and other associated products and services (Goods) to you and you agree to buy them on the terms which are explained here and on your Hearing Assessment form. We agree to supply Goods to you that are the same as on your Assessment form. The Goods […]
Coping with Hearing Loss: How to Deepen Your Relationships
Hearing loss can make it challenging to maintain and deepen relationships. However, it doesn’t have to be a barrier to a meaningful life. Hearing loss can be isolating and make it difficult for you to fully participate in conversations and activities with loved ones, leading to frustration, sadness, and loneliness. Taking steps to deepen relationships […]
How Hearing Loss is Affecting Your Marriage
Hearing loss can significantly impact your marriage, affecting various aspects of the relationship, such as communication, intimacy, and daily life. Communication is the foundation of all relationships, and when you or your partner struggles to hear, it can lead to frustration and a communication breakdown. It is important to recognise and understand how the problem […]
Best Vitamins for Ear Health
Some vitamins can benefit you and your loved ones’ overall health when taken in recommended amounts. These nutrients benefit everything from major internal systems to individual parts of the body, like the ear. Some specific vitamins approved by scientists and doctors alike can help strengthen your hearing, prevent or manage hearing loss and protect against […]
Can My Ears And Hearing Cause Dizziness?
If you’re feeling off balance and dizzy, the problem just might be your ears. Activities such as a visit to an amusement park, spinning in circles, or a boat ride can leave you feeling off balance. However, it’s not normal to feel so if you have hardly moved. When this happens, it might indicate issues […]
Common Impact of Earbuds on Your Hearing Ability
Earbuds are one of the most common methods by which we listen to music. One huge benefit we get from earbuds is the ability to concentrate on the song or music, drowning out the world around us. However, sometimes we listen to music through earbuds at excessive volumes. Listening to content at an increased volume […]
Hearing Masterclass – Hearing and Tinnitus
“Tinnitus” comes from the Latin verb meaning “to ring.” Its modern use covers the sensation of hearing ringing, buzzing, or other noises with no external source. Tinnitus can be constant or intermittent. It can be loud or soft. But, whatever its exact nature, it is very common. Some 7 million adults in the UK suffer […]
Best Hearing Aids for Musicians
One of the biggest challenges musicians face is hearing loss. Whether this is from noise exposure, an accident, or a hindrance from birth, finding the right hearing aid is essential for artists in the music industry. Thankfully, recent advances in hearing aid technology have improved devices for musicians. These are our top choices for the […]
Best Hearing Aid accessories for Musicians
Are you wearing hearing aids but having a seemingly difficult time hearing music? It’s not you. Traditional hearing aids are designed to help you process speech acoustics, but not necessarily music. We want to ensure that you have the right equipment to enjoy and amplify the listening experience. Check out these top hearing aid accessories […]
How to get the most out your interview when you wear hearing aids
An employer hosting interviews for candidates with hearing loss can provide reasonable adjustments that don’t put the candidates at a substantial disadvantage over others. The concerns that arise when handling candidates with hearing loss include communication, health, and safety in the workplace. Hearing loss covers a range of people, and their needs vary depending on […]